Anyone interested in Colorado State government fiscal management (including accounting, audit, payroll, and budget), procurement, human resources or other programmatic or management areas are invited to join the Colorado Fiscal and State Managers' Association.
Membership forms are to be resubmitted each fiscal year. The current cost of membership is $20 per year. The cost of a Golden membership (retired State Employees) is $10 for the year. Credit card payments are now being accepted.
Membership Benefits
Lunch - Luncheons are held a few times per fiscal year to provide the opportunity to meet and network with State employees from other agencies. You can trade stories and strategies, and learn from the experiences of other departments who are facing common challenges. Most luncheons feature speakers drawn from within State government or related agencies such PERA, CSECU or C-SEAP. Speakers discuss current issues in financial management, procurement efforts, proposed legislation, State budeget and economic issues, or other topics of interest. In addition, there are monthly give a-ways. You must be a member to qualify for the monthly drawings.
Educational Assistance - CFMA provides financial assistance to members in furthering their cheap custom writing in the field of government.
**CFMA does not provide a summary CPE report at the end of each reporting period for its members.**
Volunteer Opportunities - There are challenging opportunities for volunteers to participate on CFMA committees or serve as a committee chair. By volunteering for either the Fall Seminar or Spring Conference, you can learn conference organizing, help schedule seminars, and develop marketing material.
Join CFMA!
Use this link to pay for your CFMA membership through Paypal. You may also submit a personal or agency check. Please be sure to complete the membership form below.
Please note, you must hit the submit button at the very bottom of this form to complete your membership application. If you don't see the submit button on your screen, move the scroll bar on the right side of the form until the submit button appears.
Comments or concerns may be directed to
c/o Office of the State Controller
1525 Sherman, 5th Floor, Denver, CO 80203
Last updated 10/18/2016